Browse Books in Social Science

Childrearing Practices
Interviewing Inuit Elders: Volume 3

A Nobel Affair
The Correspondence between Alfred Nobel and Sofie Hess

Trading with the Hudson's Bay Company

Between Heaven and Earth
The Recollections of Felix Kupak

Asian Canadian Studies Reader

Eat the Beetles!
An Exploration into Our Conflicted Relationship with Insects

Strengths-Based Child Protection
Firm, Fair, and Friendly

Francophonies d'Amérique 38-39
La poésie franco-canadienne de la longue décennie de 1970 (1968-1985)

Eleanor H. Porter's Pollyanna
A Children's Classic at 100

The Unmaking of Home in Contemporary Art

Twenty-First-Century Immigration to North America
Newcomers in Turbulent Times

The Art of Subtraction
Digital Adaptation and the Object Image

A Good Death
Making the Most of Our Final Choices

A Queer Love Story
The Letters of Jane Rule and Rick Bébout

Work and Labour in Canada, Third Edition
Critical Issues

Women's Voices from the Margins
Diaries from Kibera, Kenya

A Canadian Perspective

Bobbi Lee Indian Rebel

Ravensong - A Novel

Alberta's Lower Athabasca Basin
Archaeology and Palaeoenvironments

Fiery Joe
The Maverick Who Lit Up the West

The Clay We Are Made Of
Haudenosaunee Land Tenure on the Grand River

Writing Menopause
An Anthology of Fiction, Poetry and Creative Non-fiction

Anthropological Insights