Browse Books in Social Science

April in Paris
Theatricality, Modernism, and Politics at the 1925 Art Deco Expo

Dread Poetry and Freedom
Linton Kwesi Johnson and the Unfinished Revolution

Toward the North
Stories by Chinese Canadian Writers

Islam in the West
Beyond Integration

Symbols of Canada

On the Rocks with Jack Knox
Islanders I Will Never Forget

Where the Ghosts Are
A Guide to Nova Scotia's Spookiest Places

On the Virtues of Utter Disagreeability

Potlatch as Pedagogy
Learning Through Ceremony

Women and Gendered Violence in Canada
An Intersectional Approach

Debating Rights Inflation in Canada
A Sociology of Human Rights

Marvellous Grounds
Queer of Colour Formations in Toronto

Women and Gendered Violence in Canada
An Intersectional Approach

Crossing Troubled Waters
Abortion In Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Prince Edward Island

Human and Environmental Justice in Guatemala

The Little Book of Cannabis
How Marijuana Can Improve Your Life

Anthropological Insights

Rooster Town
The History of an Urban Métis Community, 1901–1961

All Our Relations
Finding the Path Forward

Personal and Political
Stories from the Women's Health Movement 1960-2010

Gender: Your Guide
A Gender-Friendly Primer on What to Know, What to Say, and What to Do in the New Gender Culture

Good Governance Gone Bad
How Nordic Adaptability Leads to Excess

Through The Mill
Girls and Women in the Quebec Cotton Textile Industry 1881-1951

Flesh Reborn
The Saint Lawrence Valley Mission Settlements through the Seventeenth Century