Browse Books in Social Science

Stones into Bread

Queering Urban Justice
Queer of Colour Formations in Toronto

Who Are You and Why Are You Here?
Tales of International Development

Prairie Fairies
A History of Queer Communities and People in Western Canada, 1930-1985

The Ward Uncovered
The Archaeology of Everyday Life

Viability and Sustainability of Small-Scale Fisheries in Latin America and The Caribbean

The Wrong Story
Palestine, Israel and the Media

Gender, Generation, and Journalism in France, 1910-1940

Al Rashid Mosque
Building Canadian Muslim Communities

The Trans Generation
How Trans Kids (and Their Parents) are Creating a Gender Revolution

Chaos to Canvas

Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg
This is our Territory

The Radio Eye
Cinema in the North Atlantic, 1958-1988

Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg
This Is Our Territory

Finding Mr. Wong

Darjeeling Reconsidered
Histories, Politics, Environments

New Brunswick before the Equal Opportunity Program
History through a Social Work Lens

Transforming Conversations
Feminism and Education in Canada since 1970

Out of Line
Daring to be an Artist Outside the Big City

One Job Town
Work, Belonging, and Betrayal in Northern Ontario

Activating the Heart
Storytelling, Knowledge Sharing, and Relationship

Freud and Monotheism
Moses and the Violent Origins of Religion

Fighting for Space
How a Group of Drug Users Transformed One City’s Struggle with Addiction

Mudgirls Manifesto
Handbuilt Homes, Handcrafted Lives