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Browse Books in Social Science


How Women Are Set Up to Fail at Sex

by (author) Lili Boisvert
translated by Arielle Aaronson

Heavy Flow

Breaking the Curse of Menstruation

by (author) Amanda Laird

A Class by Themselves?

The Origins of Special Education in Toronto and Beyond

by (author) Jason Ellis

Outward and Upward Mobilities

International Students in Canada, Their Families, and Structuring Institutions

by (author) Ann Kim & Min-Jung Kwak

Radical Housewives

Price Wars and Food Politics in Mid-Twentieth-Century Canada

by (author) Julie Guard

A Violent History of Benevolence

Interlocking Oppression in the Moral Economies of Social Working

by (author) Chris Chapman & A.J. Withers

No Surrender

The Land Remains Indigenous

by (author) Sheldon Krasowski
foreword by Winona Wheeler

Clearing the Plains NEW EDITION

Disease, Politics of Starvation, and the Loss of Indigenous Life

by (author) James Daschuk
foreword by Elizabeth A. Fenn

Oakville and the Sixteen

The History of an Ontario Port

by (author) Hazel Matthews

Sect, Cult, and Church in Alberta

by (author) William Mann

Early Ukrainian Settlements in Canada 1895-1900

Dr. Josef Oleskow's Role in the Settlement of the Canadian Northwest

by (author) Vladimir Kaye

Social Welfare in Ontario 1791-1893

A Study of Public Welfare Administration

by (author) Richard Splane

Pedophilia and Exhibitionism

by (author) J.W. Mohr, R.E. Turner & Marian Jerry

Between the Red and the Rockies

by (author) Grant MacEwan

Assembling Unity

Indigenous Politics, Gender, and the Union of BC Indian Chiefs

by (author) Sarah A. Nickel

Entryways to Criminal Justice

Accusation and Criminalization in Canada

edited by George Pavlich & Matthew P. Unger

Opening the Government of Canada

The Federal Bureaucracy in the Digital Age

by (author) Amanda Clarke

A Tapestry of Survival

by (author) Leslie Mezei

Genre, patrimoine et droit civil

Les femmes mariées de la bourgeoisie québécoise en procès, 1900-1930

by (author) Thierry Nootens

Canadian Social Policy for Social Workers

edited by Robert Harding & Daphne Jeyapal

Political Muslims

Understanding Youth Resistance in a Global Context

edited by Tahir Abbas & Sadek Hamid
contributions by Sameera Ahmed, Asma Bala, Jürgen Endres, Chloe A. Gill-Khan, Carool Kersten, Shehnaz Haqqani, Aminul Hoque, Martijn de Koning, Hadiyah Muhammad, Idrisa Pandit, Yusuf Sarfati, Andreas Tunger-Zanetti, Munazza Yaqoob & Jasmin Zine

Wasted Time

by (author) Edward Hertrich

"I AM"

Monotheism and the Philosophy of the Bible

by (author) Mark Glouberman

Transgression in Games and Play

edited by Kristine Jorgensen & Faltin Karlsen

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