Browse Books in Social Science

Private Sector Entrepreneurship in Global Health
Innovation, Scale, and Sustainability

A Reluctant Welcome for Jewish People
Voices in Le Devoir's Editorials, 1910-1947

In the Shadow of Vesuvius
A Cultural History of Naples

Protest and Democracy

Indigenous Peoples and Dementia
New Understandings of Memory Loss and Memory Care

Voices from the Soviet Edge
Southern Migrants in Leningrad and Moscow

Rethinking the Spectacle
Guy Debord, Radical Democracy, and the Digital Age

Recasting History
How CBC Television Has Shaped Canada's Past

The Public Work of Christmas
Difference and Belonging in Multicultural Societies

Life on the edge of the South African dream

House Divided
How the Missing Middle Will Solve Toronto's Affordability Crisis

Métis Politics and Governance in Canada

House Divided

Understanding Northwest Coast Indigenous Jewelry
The Art, The Artists, The History

Messy Eating
Conversations on Animals as Food

Dear Scarlet
The Story of My Postpartum Depression

City of Omens
A Search for the Missing Women of the Borderlands

Indigenous Education
New Directions in Theory and Practice

Guide to Indigenous Rock Carvings of the Northwest Coast
Petroglyphs and Rubbings of the Pacific Northwest

Post-BLM and the Struggle for Freedom

At the Bridge
James Teit and an Anthropology of Belonging

Motherhood and Social Exclusion

Radical Medicine
The International Origins of Socialized Health Care in Canada

UFO Secrets Inside Wright-Patterson
Eyewitness Accounts from the Real Area 51