Browse Books in Social Science

First Nations Wildfire Evacuations
A Guide for Communities and External Agencies

The Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western Hemisphere

Moving Meals and Migrating Mothers
Culinary cultures, diasporic dishes and familial foodways

Monstrous Mothers
Troubling Tropes

Indentured Servitude
Unfree Labour and Citizenship in the British Colonies

Prison Life Writing
Conversion and the Literary Roots of the U.S. Prison System

Refugee States
Critical Refugee Studies in Canada

All Things in Common
A Canadian Family and Its Island Utopia

Provincial Policy Laboratories
Policy Diffusion and Transfer in Canada's Federal System

Global University Rankings and the Politics of Knowledge

Sanctuary for Sale

Social Service, Private Gain
The Political Economy of Social Impact Bonds

Slut-Shaming, Whorephobia, and the Unfinished Sexual Revolution

Living with Concepts
Anthropology in the Grip of Reality

Unabashed Women
The Fascinating Biographies of Bad Girls, Seductresses, Rebels and One-of-a-Kind Women

Theorizing Folklore from the Margins
Critical and Ethical Approaches

St. Michael's Residential School
Lament & Legacy

Demanding Equality
One Hundred Years of Canadian Feminism

At Great Risk
Memoirs of Rescue during the Holocaust

St. Michael's Residential School
Lament and Legacy

Appealing Because He Is Appalling
Black Masculinities, Colonialism, and Erotic Racism

Debt, Law, Realism
Nigerian Writers Imagine the State at Independence

Beyoncé in the World
Making Meaning with Queen Bey in Troubled Times

From the Ashes
My Story of Being Indigenous, Homeless, and Finding My Way