Browse Books in Social Science

On Marriage and Separation

The WEIRDest People in the World
How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous

Shift Change
Scenes from a Post-industrial Revolution

The Fair Trade Handbook
Building a Better World, Together

Making Pictorial Print
Media Literacy and Mass Culture in British Magazines, 1885-1918

Technologies of the New Real
Viral Contagion and Death of the Social

Health Systems in Transition
USA, Second Edition

Blackness and la Francophonie
Anti-Black Racism, Linguicism and the Construction and Negotiation of Multiple Minority Identities

Ten Meditations on Crisis in Art and Letters

Undressed Toronto
From the Swimming Hole to Sunnyside, How a City Learned to Love the Beach, 1850–1935

Radical Trust
Basic Income for Complicated Lives

So Much More Than Art
Indigenous Miniatures of the Pacific Northwest

The History of Anthropology
A Critical Window on the Discipline in North America

Ghost Stories of the Civil War

Campfire Ghost Stories
Volume II

Ghost Stories of the Old West

Screen Captures
Film in the Age of Emergency

Land of Many Shores
Perspectives from a Diverse Newfoundland and Labrador

Gasoline Dreams
Waking Up from Petroculture

The “Mr. Big” Sting
The Cases, the Killers, the Controversial Confessions

A True Story of Beauty Culture under Late Capitalism

Mental Health Social Work Practice in Canada

Tracking Lions, Myth, and Wilderness in Samburu