Browse Books in Earth Sciences

Human Geography with Companion DVD

Canadian Urban Regions
Trajectories of Growth and Change

Economic Geography
An Institutional Approach

Geography of British Columbia, Third Edition
People and Landscapes in Transition

Canadian Shield
The Rocks that Made Canada

Communicating in Geography and the Environmental Sciences
Canadian Edition

The Regional Geography of Canada

The Shadows of Consumption
Consequences for the Global Environment

The Field Guide to Natural Phenomena
The Secret World of Optical, Atmospheric and Celestial Wonders

Canadian Cities in Transition
New Directions in the Twenty-First Century

What Is Water?
The History of a Modern Abstraction

Family Geographies
The Spatiality of Families and Family Life

Human Geography

Sea Sick
The Global Ocean in Crisis

Beginners Guide to Minerals & Rocks

The Beginner's Guide to Minerals and Rocks

Making Sense in Geography and Environmental Sciences
A Student's Guide to Research and Writing, Revised with up-to-date MLA and APA Information

Introduction to International Development / Making Sense in the Social Sciences Pack

A Dry Oasis:
Institutional Adaptation to Climate Change on the Canadian Prairies

A Canadian Perspective

A Nation of Regions

Weather of Ontario

Weird Ontario Weather
Catastrophes, Ice Storms, Floods, Tornadoes and Hurricanes