Browse Books in Earth Sciences

Continental Drift

The Proterozoic in Canada

The Earth Sciences in Canada

Water Resources of Canada

Meteorological Instruments
Third edition

Crucial Maps in the Early Cartography and Place-Nomenclature of the Atlantic Coast of Canada

Muskeg Engineering Handbook

Electromagnetic Distance Measurement

Marine Distributions

Vision Through the Atmosphere

Out of the Earth
The Mineral Industry in Canada

Appalachian Tectonics

Geochronology in Canada

Fundamentals of Limnology

Quetico Geology

Hydroids of the Pacific Coast of Canada and the United States

The Tectonics of the Canadian Shield

A Naturalist's Guide to Ontario

The Western Interior of Canada
A Record of Geographical Discovery, 1612-1917

Reclaiming the Don
An Environmental History of Toronto's Don River Valley, Second Edition

Urban Mobility
How the iPhone, COVID, and Climate Changed Everything

Runaway Climate
What the Geological Past Can Tell Us about the Coming Climate Change Catastrophe

Settler Ecologies
The Enduring Nature of Settler Colonialism in Kenya

Sea Change
Charting a Sustainable Future for Oceans in Canada