Browse Books in Industrial & Organizational Psychology

Learning Habits
Drive a Learning Culture to Improve Employee and Business Performance
Brave New Workplace
Designing Productive, Healthy, and Safe Organizations

How Big Things Get Done
The Surprising Factors That Determine the Fate of Every Project, from Home Renovations to Space Exploration and Everything In Between

Camouflaged Aggression in Organizations
A Bimodal Theory

Passion for Work
Theory, Reseach, and Applications

Integral Conflict
The New Science of Conflict

The Inquiring Organization
How Organizations Acquire Knowledge and Seek Information

Turning Conflict Into Profit
A Roadmap for Resolving Personal and Organizational Disputes

Surviving Incarceration
Inside Canadian Prisons

The Science of Leadership
Lessons from Research for Organizational Leaders

Capitalism Comes to the Backcountry
The Goodyear Invasion of Napanee
The Union and Its Members
A Psychological Approach