Browse Books in Labor & Industrial Relations

More with Less
Work Reorganization in the Canadian Mining Industry

Enter At Your Own Risk
Canadian Youth and the Labour Market

Pursuit of Division
Race, Gender and Preferential Hiring in Canada

The Workers' Revolt in Canada, 1917-1925

Waking Up in the Men’s Room
A Memoir

Forging Business-Labour Partnerships
The Emergence of Sector Councils in Canada

The Business of Benevolence
Industrial Paternalism in Progressive America

From The Ground Up
An Italian Immigrant’s Story

Workplace Roulette
Gambling With Cancer, Revised and Expanded

Just Another Car Factory?
Lean Production and Its Discontents

Japan Works
Power and Paradox in Postwar Industrial Relations

Unemployment Crisis

At the End of the Shift
Mines and Single-Industry Towns in Northern Ontario

Workers and Canadian History

Thinking Union
Activism and Education in Canada’s Labour Movement

Hard Lessons
The Mine Mill Union in the Canadian Labour Movement

Progress Without People
New Technology, Unemployment, and the Message of Resistance

The Canadian Auto Workers
The Birth and Transformation of a Union

Crossing the Line
Unionized Employee Ownership and Investment Funds

Labour and Working Class History in Atlantic Canada
A Reader

A New Education Politics
Bob Rae's Legacy and the Response of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation

Labour's Dilemma
The Gender Politics of Auto Workers in Canada, 1937-79

Capitalism Comes to the Backcountry
The Goodyear Invasion of Napanee