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Browse Books in Labor & Industrial Relations

Madeleine Parent


translated by Andrée Lévesque

Precarious Employment

Understanding Labour Market Insecurity in Canada

by (author) Vosko


Agricultural Politics in the Fifties

by (author) Herbert Schulz

Micropolitics and Canadian Business

Paper, Steel, and the Airlines

by (author) Peter Clancy

The Paradox of American Unionism

Why Americans Like Unions More Than Canadians Do, But Join Much Less

by (author) Seymour Martin Lipset & Noah M. Meltz
with Rafael Gomez & Ivan Katchanovski
foreword by Thomas A. Kochan

Unions in the Time of Revolutions

Government Restructuring in Alberta and Ontario

by (author) Sandra Raston & Yonatan Reshef

Workplace Learning

A Critical Introduction

by (author) John Bratton, Peter Sawchuk, Jean C. Helms Mills & Timothy Pyrch

Workplace Learning

A Critical Introduction

by (author) John Bratton, Peter Sawchuk, Jean C. Helms Mills & Timothy Pyrch

Walking the Union Walk

Stories From the Communications, Energy, and Paperworkers Union

by (author) Jamie Swift

Education for Changing Unions

by (author) Bev Burke, Jojo Geronimo, D'Arcy Martin, Barb Thomas & Carol Wall

Harnessing Labour Confrontation

Shaping the Postwar Settlement in Canada, 1943-1950

by (author) Peter S. McInnis

The National Dream

The Great Railway, 1871-1881

by (author) Pierre Berton

The Last Spike

The Great Railway, 1881-1885

by (author) Pierre Berton

The Limits of Rural Capitalism

Family, Culture, and Markets in Montcalm, Manitoba, 1870-1940

by (author) Kenneth M. Sylvester

Consulted to Death

How Canada's Workplace Health and Safety System Fails Workers

by (author) Doug Smith

Boys in the Pits

Child Labour in Coal Mines

by (author) Robert McIntosh

Temporary Work

The Gendered Rise of a Precarious Employment Relationship

by (author) Leah Faith Vosko

Immigrants and the Labour Force

Policy, Regulation, and Impact

by (author) Ravi Pendakur

Workers' Compensation

Foundations for Reform

edited by Morley Gunderson & Douglas Hyatt

Ringing in the Common Love of Good

The United Farmers of Ontario, 1914-1916

by (author) Kerry Badgely

Restraining Equality

Human Rights Commissions in Canada

by (author) R. Brian Howe & David Johnson

Celebration of Resistance

Ontario’s Days of Action

by (author) Vincenzo Pietropaolo
introduction by Catherine Macleod

Making Our Mark

Labour Arts and Heritage in Ontario

by (author) Karl Beveridge & Jude Johnston

No Justice, No Peace

The 1996 OPSEU Strike against the Harris Government in Ontario

by (author) David Rapaport

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