Browse Books in General

The Evolving Canadian Crown

Political Parties

Cabinets and First Ministers

The Case for Decentralized Federalism

The Laws of Government, 2/e
The Legal Foundations of Canadian Democracy

The Trouble with Canada...Still!
A Citizen Speaks Out

The Case for Centralized Federalism

Unsettled Legitimacy
Political Community, Power, and Authority in a Global Era

Urban Nation
Why We Need to Give Power Back to the Cities to Make Canada Strong
The Truth Shows Up
A Reporter's Fifteen-Year Odyssey Tracking Down the Truth About Mulroney, Sch

What Is America?
A Short History of the New World Order
Northern Exposure
Peoples, Powers and Prospects in Canada's North
It's the Regime, Stupid!
A Report from the Cowboy West on Why Stephen Harper Matters

Urban Nation

Understanding American Politics

Global Ordering
Institutions and Autonomy in a Changing World

Renegotiating Community
Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Global Contexts

L' État rentier
Le cas de la Malaysia

L’ État rentier
Le cas de la Malaysia

Making Political Choices
Canada and the United States

Leading from the Center
Why Moderates Make the Best Presidents

The Art of the Possible
A Handbook for Political Activism

The Way It Works
Inside Ottawa

The 2006 Federal Budget
Rethinking Fiscal Priorities