Browse Books in General

The Challenge of Direct Democracy
The 1992 Canadian Referendum

Challenge of Direct Democracy
The 1992 Canadian Referendum

Moral Foundations of Canadian Federalism
Paradoxes, Achievements, and Tragedies of Nationhood

The Moral Foundations of Canadian Federalism
Paradoxes, Achievements, and Tragedies of Nationhood

Canada's Origins
Liberal, Tory, or Republican?

Do Conventions Matter?
Choosing National Party Leaders in Canada

Canada's Century
Governance in a Maturing Society

Institutionalized Cabinet
Governing the Western Provinces

Beyond Quebec
Taking Stock of Canada

Canada and the OAS
From Dilettante to Full Partner
Canada: The State of the Federation 1995

Is Quebec Nationalism Just?
Perspectives from Anglophone Canada

Trudeau and the End of a Canadian Dream

Secession of Quebec and the Future of Canada

The Secession of Quebec and the Future of Canada

Canada - An American Nation?
Essays on Continentalism, Identity, and the Canadian Frame of Mind

Constitutional Predicament
Canada after the Referendum of 1992
Democracy and the State
An Introduction to Politics
Canada: The State of the Federation 1994

The Future of Fiscal Federalism

Reimagining Canada
Language, Culture, Community, and the Canadian Constitution

Poisoned Chalice
How the Tories Self-Destructed
Seeking a New Canadian Partnership
Asymmetrical and Confederal Options

Politics and Economics of Eric Kierans
A Man for All Canadas