Browse Books in Political Science

The Idea File of Harold Adams Innis

The League for Social Reconstruction
Intellectual Origins of the Democratic Left in Canada, 1930-1942

'An Impartial Umpire'
Industrial Relations and the Canadian State 1900-1911

The Rancheros of Pisaflores
The History of a Peasant Bourgeoisie in Twentieth-Century Mexico

Education for Development or Underdevelopment?
Guyana’s Educational System and its Implications for the Third World

Usable Urban Past Planning and Politics

Canadian Foreign Policy, 1966-1976
Selected Speeches and Documents

Lorenzo Magalotti at the Court of Charles II
His Relazione d’Inghilterra of 1668

Unemployment and Labour Force Behaviour of Young People
Evidence from Canada and Ontario
Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs 1978

Unequal Beginnings
Agriculture and Economic Development in Quebec and Ontario until 1870

Federalism, Bureaucracy, and Public Policy

Power Begins at the Cod End
The Newfoundland Trawlermen's Strike, 1974-75

The Builders, the Mob and the Men
The Akerman Years
Jeremy Akerman and the Nova Scotia NDP, 1965-1980

The Tory Syndrome
Leadership Politics in the Progressive Conservative Party

The Coming of Austrian Fascism

Catholics and Canadian Socialism
Political Thought in the Thirties and Forties

The Dangers of Nuclear War
A Pugwash Symposium

The Child in the City (Vol. I)
Today and Tomorrow

Merleau-Ponty and Marxism
From Terror to Reform