Browse Books in Political Science

Massa's Short History of the Muscovite Wars

Revolutionary Vanguard
The Early Years of the Communist Youth International 1914-1924

Essays on England, Ireland, and Empire
Volume VI

Canada and the Constitution 1979-1982

Dostoevsky, Grigor'ev, and Native Soil Conservatism

A Peculiar Kind of Politics
Canada's Overseas Ministry in the First World War
Village-Level Modernisation
Vancouver's Fair

Essays on England, Ireland, and Empire
Volume VI

The Emergence of Industrial America
Strategic Factors in American Economic Growth Since 1870
Political Economy of Productivity, The
Thai Agricultural Development, 1880-1975
The New Canadian Constitution
Canada's Population Outlook
Demographic Futures and Economic Challenges
1005: Political Life in a Union
1005: Political Life in a Union Local

Recreational Land Use
Perspectives on Its Evolution in Canada

How Ottawa Spends Your Tax Dollars
National Policy and Economic Development 1982

Thomas Hill Green and the Development of Liberal-Democratic Thought

Sharing the work
An analysis of the issues in worksharing and jobsharing
Patterns of Belief and Action
Measurement of student political activism

Energy and the Quality of Life
Understanding Energy Policy

The Regional Decline of a National Party
Liberals on the Prairies
Making Canadian Indian Policy
The Hidden Agenda 1968-1970

Elite Pluralism and Class Rule
Political development in Maharashtra, India