Browse Books in Political Science
Public and Private Pensions in Canada
An economic analysis

Bentham on Liberty
Jeremy Bentham's idea of liberty in relation to his utilitarianism

The Diplomacy of Modernization
Colombian-American Relations, 1920-1940

Provincial Public Finance in Ontario
An Empirical Analysis of the Last Twenty-five Years

Timothy Warren Anglin, 1822-96
Irish Catholic Canadian

The Government Party
Organizing and Financing the Liberal Party of Canada 1930-58

The Defence of the Undefended Border

The Canadian State
Political Economy and Political Power

The Big Nickel
Inco at Home and Abroad
Local Service Pricing Policies

Dene Nation
The colony within

Canadian Foreign Policy, 1955-1965
Selected Speeches and Documents

Foremost Nation
Canadian Foreign Policy and a Changing World

Canadian Foreign Policy, 1955-1965
Selected Speeches and Documents

How It All Began
The Personal Account of a West German Urban Guerrilla

The Liberal Idea of Canada
Pierre Trudeau and the Question of Canada's Survival
The Second City Book
Studies of Urban and Suburban Canada

Canadian Population Trends and Public Policy Through the 1980s

The Canadian House of Commons
Procedure and Reform

The Reluctant Europeans
The Attitudes of the Nordic Countries towards European Integration

Social Security and National Policy
Sweden, Yugoslavia, Japan

The Liberal Idea of Canada
Pierre Trudeau and the Question of Canada's Survival

How Levesque Won
Leadership Lost 1962-67