Browse Books in Political Science

Canada Among Nations, 2009-2010
As Others See Us

Politics, People, and Pot-Pourri

Hell or High Water
My Life in and out of Politics

How Our Government is Undermining Democracy in the Name of Human Rights

Restoring the Flow
Confronting the World's Water Woes

Beyond the Bubble
Imagining a New Canadian Economy

The Duty to Consult
New Relationships with Aboriginal Peoples

Uneasy Partners
Multiculturalism and Rights in Canada

Hope and Despair
My Struggle to Free My Husband, Maher Arar

Not a Conspiracy Theory
How Business Propaganda Hijacks Democracy

Denying the Source
The Crisis of First Nations Water Rights

What Is Stephen Harper Reading?
Yann Martel's Recommended Reading for a Prime Minister and Book Lovers of All Stripes

Globalization and Poltics in India

How Ottawa Spends, 2009-2010
Economic Upheaval and Political Dysfunction

How Ottawa Spends, 2009-2010
Economic Upheaval and Political Dysfunction

Canadian Foreign Policy in Critical Perspective

The Global Food Crisis
Governance Challenges and Opportunities

Good Soldiers, The

Making Work, Making Trouble
The Social Regulation of Sexual Labour

Who Owns the Arctic?
Understanding Sovereignty Disputes in the NorthUnderstanding Sovereignty and International Law in the North

The Collapse of Globalism Revised Edition
And The Reinvention Of The World

A Fair Country
Telling Truths About Canada

Harvest Pilgrims
Mexican and Caribbean Migrant Farm Workers in Canada

Enduring Empire
Ancient Lessons for Global Politics