Browse Books in Political Science

The Paradox of Democracy in Latin America
Ten Country Studies of Division and Resilience

Cultures of Militarization

The New Normal
The Canadian Prairies in a Changing Climate

The 2009 Federal Budget
Challenge, Response and Retrospect

Local Motion
The Art of Civic Engagement in Toronto

People Power
The History and Future of the Referendum in Australia

The Paradox of Democracy in Latin America
Ten Country Studies of Division and Resilience

A World Beyond Borders
An Introduction to the History of International Organizations

Managed Annihilation
An Unnatural History of the Newfoundland Cod Collapse

Federalism and the Constitution of Canada

Burke’s Politics
A Study in Whig Orthodoxy

Canada and the Middle East
In Theory and Practice

Ethical Choices and Global Greenhouse Warming

The Rise and Fall of an African Utopia
A Wealthy Theocracy in Comparative Perspective

Emerging Powers in Global Governance
Lessons from the Heiligendamm Process

Gilles Paquet
Homo hereticus

Gouvernance et appropriation locale du développement
Au-delà des modèles importés

From Desolation to Reconstruction
Iraq’s Troubled Journey

Solitary Courage
Mona Winberg and the Triumph over Disability

Manitoba Premiers of the 19th and 20th Centuries

Doing the Continental
A New Canadian-American Relationship

The Trouble with Canada...Still!
A Citizen Speaks Out

Relations of Global Power
Neoliberal Order and Disorder