Browse Books in Political Science

Manitoba Politics and Government
Issues, Institutions, Traditions


No-Nonsense Guide to Green Politics

Murder Without Borders
Dying for the Story in the World's Most Dangerous Places

The Politics of Reconciliation in Multicultural Societies

Our Friendly Local Terrorist

Naval Gazing
The Canadian Navy Contemplates its Future

Mobilizing the Will to Intervene
Leadership to Prevent Mass Atrocities

The Ghosts of Europe
Journeys through Central Europe's Troubled Past and Uncertain Future

A Political Crisis and Its Legacy

The Case for Centralized Federalism

Million Futures, A
The Remarkable Legacy of the Canadian Millennium Scholarship

Hope in Hell
Inside the World of Doctors Without Borders

The Long Road Back
Creating Canada's New Conservative Party

No Surrender
A Father, a Son, and an Extraordinary Act of Heroism That Continues to Live on Today

A Million Futures
The Remarkable Legacy of the Canada Millennium Scholarship The Remarkable Legacy of the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation

Solidarities Beyond Borders
Transnationalizing Women's Movements

Forward to the Past

Tar Sands
Dirty Oil and the Future of a Continent, Revised and Updated Edition

Tar Sands
Dirty Oil and the Future of a Continent

Island Enclaves
Offshoring Strategies, Creative Governance, and Subnational Island Jurisdictions

Global Commons, Domestic Decisions
The Comparative Politics of Climate Change

Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace, Second Edition
Patterns, Problems, Possibilities

Listening To Grasshoppers
Field Notes On Democracy