Browse Books in Political Science

Genuine Multiculturalism
The Tragedy and Comedy of Diversity

Politics of Public Money, Second Edition

Digital Currents
How Technology and the Public are Shaping TV News

Deputy Ministers in Canada
Comparative and Jurisdictional Perspectives

Glorify the Empire
Japanese Avant-Garde Propaganda in Manchukuo

Evidence-Based Policy-Making in Canada (Kobo)

Living Dead in the Pacific
Contested Sovereignty and Racism in Genetic Research on Taiwan Aborigines

Environmental Policy in North America
Approaches, Capacity, and the Management of Transboundary Issues

Don't Tell the Newfoundlanders
The True Story of Newfoundland's Confederation with Canada

Emmanuel Levinas and the Politics of Non-Violence
Levinas on Politics and (Non-) Violence

Lyle Creelman
The Frontiers of Global Nursing

The Warrior State
Pakistan in the Contemporary World

Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs 2007

Canadian Constitutional Conventions
The Marriage of Law and Politics

The Carbon Rush
The Truth Behind the Carbon Market Smokescreen

The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else

International and Transnational Criminal Law, 2/e

International Law, 2/e
Doctrine, Practice, and Theory

Canada and the Crown
Essays in Constitutional Monarchy

Rethinking Higher Education
Participation, Research, and Differentiation

Intellectual Disabilities and Dual Diagnosis
An Interprofessional Clinical Guide for Healthcare Providers

Ancient Political Thought
A Reader

The Canadian General Election of 1984
Politicians, Parties, Press and Poll

Rescaling the European State
The Making of Territory and the Rise of the Meso