Browse Books in Political Science

In the Long Run We're All Dead
The Canadian Turn to Fiscal Restraint

Patrician Liberal
The Public and Private Life of Sir Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière, 1829-1908

Islam, Sharia and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Mechanisms for Legal Redress in the Muslim Community

At What Cost Sovereignty?: Canada-US Military Interoperability in the War on Terror

Down the Drain
How We Are Failing to Protect Our Water Resources

Canadian Public Policy
Selected Studies in Process and Style

A Force Such as the World Has Never Known
Women Creating Change

Strong Constitutions
Social-Cognitive Origins of the Separation of Powers

Dominion of Capital
The Politics of Big Business and the Crisis of the Canadian Bourgeoisie, 1914-1947
Red Army Faction, A Documentary History
Volume 1: Projectiles for the People

Building a Co-operative Community in Public Housing
The Case of the Atkinson Housing Co-operative

Strong, Beautiful and Modern
National Fitness in Britain, New Zealand, Australia and Canada, 1935-1960

Action and Reaction in the World System
The Dynamics of Economic and Political Power

Parties, Elections, and the Future of Canadian Politics

A House Divided
Watching America's Descent into Civil Conflict

The Fast-Changing Arctic
Rethinking Arctic Security for a Warmer World

Divided Nations and European Integration

Top Down
The Ford Foundation, Black Power, and the Reinvention of Racial Liberalism

Rob Ford
The rise and fall of Canada's most notorious mayor

Introduction to International Development 2e / Making Sense in the Social Sciences Pack
Approaches, Actors, and Issues, Second Edition

The Free Animal
Rousseau on Free Will and Human Nature

The Oak Ridges Moraine Battles
Development, Sprawl, and Nature Conservation in the Toronto Region

The Public intellectual in Canada

The Correspondence of Henry Edward Manning and William Ewart Gladstone
Volume Two 1844-1853