Browse Books in General

French Existentialism
A Christian Critique

Trigonometric Series
A Survey

Man and His World/Terres des hommes
The Noranda Lectures, Expo 67/Les Conferences Noranda/L'Expo 67

The Valley of Vision
Blake as Prophet and Revolutionary
The Fundamentals of Reasons

Experimentation in the Sciences
Comparative and Long-Term Historical Research on Experimental Practice

Human Life in Motion
Heidegger's Unpublished Seminars on Aristotle as Preserved by Helene Weiss

Beyond the Binary: Thinking about Sex and Gender - Second Edition

Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) in Canada
Key Multidisciplinary Perspectives

Knowing Reality
A Guided Introduction to Metaphysics and Epistemology
Aesthetic Life and Why It Matters
The Power of Critical Thinking 6CE
The Idea of Freedom
New Essays on the Kantian Theory of Freedom
The Ethics of Social Roles
Descartes's Method
The Formation of the Subject of Science
The Pragmatist Challenge
Pragmatist Metaphysics for Philosophy of Science

Making Wonderful
Ideological Roots of Our Eco-Catastrophe
Obligation and Responsibility

Experiencing Philosophy - Second Edition

Essays in the Philosophy of Normativity

Zygmunt Bauman and the Theory of Culture

Attitudes of Play

Philosophy of Sport: Core Readings - Second Edition
Being Social
The Philosophy of Social Human Rights