Browse Books in Theater
The Greek Playwright
What the First Dramatists Have To Say To Contemporary Playwrights
Creating for the Stage
(Two Volume Set)
Modern Classics Selected Plays Of Robertson Davies
Flights of Angels
My Life with the Angels of Light
Wagner and the Wonder of Art
An Introduction to Die Meistersinger
The Theatricality of Robert Lepage
Where Stories Meet
Laughing Matters
Farce and the Making of Absolutism in France
Re: Producing Women's Dramatic History
The Politics of Playing in Toronto
Theatre of Estrangement
Theory, Practice, Ideology
Broadway North
The Dream of a Canadian Musical Theatre
The French Play
Exploring Theatre 'Re-creatively' with Foreign Language Students
Voices From France
Five French Plays in Translation
Social Acupuncture
Staging Governance
Theatrical Imperialism in London, 1770-1800
Organizer 2006, The
The Harps of God
Canadian Theatre History
Selected Readings
Shakespeare in the Undiscovered Bourn
Les Kurbas, Ukrainian Modernism, and Early Soviet Cultural Politics
Scenography in Canada
Selected Designers
Wild Theatre
The History of One Yellow Rabbit