Browse Books in General

An Eye for Hitchcock

Federico Fellini
Centenary Essays

Cinema of the 70s
101 Iconic Movies

A Silence from Hitchcock

Canadian Cinema in the New Millennium

A Decolonizing Ear
Documentary Film Disrupts the Archive

On Inuit Cinema | Inuit TakugatsaliuKatiget

Wayward Feeling
Audio-Visual Culture and Aesthetic Activism in Post-Rainbow South Africa

A Voyage with Hitchcock

Magic in the Dark
One Family's Century of Adventures in the Movie Business

Giving the Devil His Due
Satan and Cinema

A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night

The Modern Actor’s Handbook
Media Ventriloquism
How Audiovisual Technologies Transform the Voice-Body Relationship

The Art of Cinematic Storytelling
A Visual Guide to Planning Shots, Cuts, and Transitions

From Down in the Delta to the Birth of The Band and Beyond

Practices of Projection
Histories and Technologies

Rumble and Crash
Crises of Capitalism in Contemporary Film

Figure and Force in Animation Aesthetics

Inhabiting the In-Between
Childhood and Cinema in Spain's Long Transition
The New Romanian Cinema
Improving Passions
Sentimental Aesthetics and American Film

The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Cinema

Immanent Frames
Postsecular Cinema between Malick and von Trier