Browse Books in Literary Criticism
Phyllis Webb and the Common Good
Foregrounded Description in Prose Fictio
Five Cross-Literary Studies
Tennyson's Language
The praier and complaynte of the ploweman unto Christe
Inventing Sam Slick
A Biography of Thomas Chandler Haliburton
The Secular Scripture and Other Writings on Critical Theory, 1976–1991
Enlightening Encounters
Photography in Italian Literature
Landscapes in Between
Environmental Change in Modern Italian Literature and Film
Scotland's Pariah
The Life and Work of John Pinkerton, 1758-1826
Anxieties of Interiority and Dissection in Early Modern Spain
Chamber Music
The Poetry of Jan Zwicky
Stillness in Motion
Italy, Photography, and the Meanings of Modernity
Transferential Poetics, from Poe to Warhol
The Worlds of Carol Shields
Sweet Lechery
Reviews, Essays & Profiles
Gothic writing 1750-1820
A genealogy
The Ancient Comedians
and the Influence They Had on Contemporary Theatre
Interlinguicity, Internationality, and Shakespeare
We Share Our Matters
Two Centuries of Writing and Resistance at Six Nations of the Grand River
Humor in Middle Eastern Cinema
Transforming Kafka
Translation Effects
Investigating Sherlock Holmes
Solved and Unsolved Mysteries
The Letterbooks of John Evelyn
A Two Volume Set