Browse Books in Literary Criticism
Duty and Hypocrisy in Hegel's Phenomenology of Mind
An essay in the real and ideal
The Correspondence of Erasmus
Letters 446 to 593, Volume 4
Myth and Reality in Irish Literature
Profiles in Canadian Drama: James Reaney
Ralph Gustafson
Unnamed Country
The Struggle for a Canadian Prairie Fiction
Menander to Marivaux: The History of a Comic Structure
The E.J. Pratt Symposium
Faulkner's Women
The Myth and the Muse
The Frontier and Canadian Letters
Anatomy of the Spy Thriller
Homosexuality and Literature
The Haunted Wilderness
The Gothic and Grotesque in Canadian Fiction
Sémantique synchronique
synonymie, homonymie, polysémie
The First Day of Spring
Stories and Other Prose
New Provinces
Poems of Several Authors
Science and the Human Comedy
Natural Philosophy in French Literature from Rabelais to Maupertuis
Literary History of Canada
Canadian Literature in English (Second Edition) Volume I
Saul and Selected Poems
including excerpts from Jephthah's Daughter and Jezebel: A Poem in Three Cantos
New Provinces
Poems of Several Authors
Literary History of Canada
Canadian Literature in English (Second Edition) Volume I
Literary History of Canada
Canadian Literature in English (Second Edition) Volume II
Sémantique synchronique
synonymie, homonymie, polysémie