Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Studies In Lucian

The Artful Reporter

What The Thunder Really Said
A Retrospective Essay on the Making of The Waste Land

Robert Creeley
An Inventory, 1945-1970

Selected Stories of E. W. Thomson

Crispin Ier
La Vie et l'œuvre de Raymond Poisson comédien-poète du XVIIe siècle

Browning's Experiments with Genre

Shakespeare 1971
Proceedings of the World Shakespeare Congress Vancouver, August 1971
The St Lawrence and the Saguenay and Other Poems
Hesperus and Other Poems and Lyrics

Tuscan and Etruscan
The problem of linguistic substratum influence in central Italy

Collected Poems

Comparative Studies in Republican Latin Imagery

The First Falls on Monday

Citizen Comedy in the Age of Shakespeare

Shakespeare 1971
Proceedings of the World Shakespeare Congress Vancouver, August 1971

Comparative Studies in Republican Latin Imagery

Citizen Comedy in the Age of Shakespeare

The First Falls on Monday

Collected Poems

Browning's Experiments with Genre

Tuscan and Etruscan
The problem of linguistic substratum influence in central Italy

Crispin Ier
La Vie et l'œuvre de Raymond Poisson comédien-poète du XVIIe siècle

Past And Present
The Continuity of Classical Myth
Malcolm Lowry
The Man and His Work