Browse Books in Literary Criticism
Selected Children's Literature
Marina Warner and the Ethics of Telling Silenced Stories
The Retrospective Imagination of A. B. Yehoshua
Understanding Kate Atkinson
The Diaries and Letters of Lord Woolton 1940-1945
'Membering Austin Clarke
The Swan of the Well by Titia Brongersma
Swan of the Well by Titia Brongersma
North American Gaels
Speech, Story, and Song in the Diaspora
The Theatre of Regret
Literature, Art, and the Politics of Reconciliation in Canada
Ring Legends of Tolkien
My Karst and My City and Other Essays
All New Animal Acts
Essays, Stretchers, Poems
Cautiously Hopeful
Metafeminist Practices in Canada
Diplomacy and the Modern Novel
France, Britain, and the Mission of Literature
Outside and Inside
Race and Identity in White Jazz Autobiography
Be Scared of Everything
Horror Essays
Reality, Magic, and Other Lies
Fairy-Tale Film Truths
The Soul of Things
Memoir of a Youth Interrupted
Stories about Life in Plus-Sized Bodies
An Echo in the Mountains
Al Purdy after a Century
Recognition and Revelation
Short Nonfiction Writings