Browse Books in Law

Demarginalizing Voices
Commitment, Emotion, and Action in Qualitative Research
The Court of Appeal for Ontario
Defining the Right of Appeal in Canada, 1792-2013

Old Law, New Law
A Second Australian Legal Miscellany

Within the Confines
Women and the Law in Canada

Legal Literacy
An Introduction to Legal Studies

The Court of Appeal for Ontario
Defining the Right of Appeal in Canada, 1792-2013

Religious Pluralism and Islamic Law
Dhimmis and Others in the Empire of Law

Ruin and Redemption
The Struggle for a Canadian Bankruptcy Law, 1867-1919

Petty Justice
Low Law and the Sessions System in Charlotte County, New Brunswick, 1785-1867

Acting for Freedom
Fifty Years of Civil Liberties in Canada

Acting for Freedom
Fifty Years of Civil Liberties in Canada

Intellectual Property, Trade and Development

Protecting Research Confidentiality
What happens when law and ethics collide

Bennett on Consumer Bankruptcy
A Practical Guide for Canadians

Financial Care for Your Aging Parent

Changing Your Name in Canada

Criminalization, Representation, Regulation
Thinking Differently about Crime

Innocence on Trial
The Framing of Ivan Henry

Innocence on Trial
The Framing of Ivan Henry

Foundational Texts in Modern Criminal Law

The Inspection House
An Impertinent Field Guide to Modern Surveillance

Comparative Matters
The Renaissance of Comparative Constitutional Law

Law Beyond Borders
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in an Age of Globalization