Browse Books in Law

Bench Strength
Judging a Century of Tax Avoidance in Canada

First, Do Less Harm
Harm Reduction as a Principle of Law and Policy

Civil Liberties and Canadian Federalism

Current Law and Social Problems, Volume III

Contemporary Problems of Public Law in Canada
Essays in honour of Dean F.C. Cronkite

Monopolies and Patents
A Study of the History and Future of the Patent Monopoly

Changing Legal Objectives

Readings and Cases

The Witenagemot in the Reign of Edward the Confessor

Detention Before Trial
A Study of Criminal Cases Tried in the Toronto Magistrates' Courts

Cases and Notes on Land Law

Current Law and Social Problems, II

Comparative Federalism
States' Rights and National Power

The Meaning of Income in the Law of Income Tax

Cases and Materials on Creditors' Rights

Cases and Materials on Contracts

Natural Resources and Public Property Under the Canadian Constitution

Community Planning
A Casebook on Law and Administration

Judicial Review in the English-speaking World

Using International Law in Canadian Courts, Third Edition

Law and Politics in Space
Specific and Urgent Problems in the Law of Outer Space

The Montreal Diocesan Theological College
A History from 1873 to 1963

Explorations in Aerospace Law
Selected Essays, 1946-1966