Browse Books in Law

Death or Deliverance
Canadian Courts Martial in the Great War

Environmental Law, 4/e

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 5/e

International Trade Law and the WTO

Aboriginal Consultation, Environmental Assessment, and Regulatory Review in Canada

IMA Catalogue of Software for Mineralogists

A Principled Stand
The Story of Hirabayashi v. United States

Discovery Techniques
A Practical Guide to the Discovery Process in Civil Actions

The Art of the Interview
How Lawyers Talk with Clients

Legal Writing
Mastering Clarity and Persuasion

Canadian Copyright
A Citizen’s Guide

Canadian Copyright
A Citizen’s Guide

The Cosmopolitan State

Who Speaks for the River?
The Oldman River Dam and the Search for Justice

The New Work Health and Safety Legislation
A Practical Guide

On the Outside
From Lengthy Imprisonment to Lasting Freedom

Protect Your Elderly Parents
Become Your Parents' Guardian/Truste

Métis in Canada
History, Identity, Law and Politics

Multilevel Citizenship

Les dessous de l'affaire Turcotte

The Law of Equitable Remedies, 2/e

The Catholicisms of Coutances
Varieties of Religion in Early Modern France, 1350-1789

Law and Mental Disorder
A Comprehensive and Practical Approach

Law and Mental Disorder
A Comprehensive and Practical Approach