Browse Books in North America

Inside the Museum — The Grange

Inside the Museum — Fort York National Historic Site

The War on Drugs
A Failed Experiment

Cowboy Way, The
Wisdom, Wit and Lore

A Crucible of Fire
The Battle of Lundy's Lane, July 25, 1814

Black Loyalists

The Culture of the Seven Years' War
Empire, Identity, and the Arts in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World

The Duchess Ranch of Old John Ware

Living with Animals
Ojibwe Spirit Powers

Living with Animals
Ojibwe Spirit Powers

Poisoned by Lies and Hypocrisy
America's First Attempt to Bring Liberty to Canada,1775-1776

Perdu sous la banquise
L'histoire du HMS Investigator

Perdu sous la banquise
Parcs Canada découvre le HMS Investigator

In the Shadow of the Pole
An Early History of Arctic Expeditions, 1871-1912

Lost Beneath the Ice
The Story of HMS Investigator

The Tide of War
The 1814 Invasions of Upper Canada

The Once and Future Great Lakes Country
An Ecological History

The High Cost of Free Land

The Flames of War
The Fight for Upper Canada, July—December 1813

Black Loyalists
Southern Settlers of Nova Scotia's First Free Black Communities

The Sense of Power
Studies in the Ideas of Canadian Imperialism, 1867-1914, Second Edition

Legend of Pierre Bottineau and the Red River Trail, The

The Aroostook War of 1839

More of a Man
Diaries of a Scottish Craftsman in Mid-Nineteenth-Century North America