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Browse Books in North America

Ontario Since Confederation

A Reader

edited by Edgar-Andre Montigny & Lori Chambers

Cowboys, Gentlemen, and Cattle Thieves

Ranching on the Western Frontier

by (author) Warren M. Elofson

Amassing Power

J.B. Duke and the Saguenay River, 1897-1927

by (author) David Massell

Gold Creeks and Ghost Towns of NE WA

of Northeastern Washington

by (author) Bill Barlee

Jailbirds and Stool Pigeons

Crime Stories of the West

by (author) Norman Davis

British Generals in the War of 1812

High Command in the Canadas

by (author) Wesley Turner

Rescue From Grampa Woo

by (author) Joan Skelton

Call in Pinkerton's

American Detectives at Work for Canada

by (author) David Ricardo Williams

Exploring the Big Salmon River

Quiet Lake to the Yukon River

by (author) Gus Karpes

Exp the Upper Yukon River Carmacks to DC

Carmacks to Dawson City

by (author) Gus Karpes

The French-Canadian Idea of Confederation, 1864-1900

by (author) A.I. Silver

Klondike Paradise

by (author) C.R. Porter

Sacred Sites of the West

A guide to Mystical Centers

by (author) Frank Joseph


The Rise of Police Institutions in Britain, the Commonwealth and the United States

by (author) Hereward Senior

Yukon Riverboat Days

by (author) Joyce Yardley

Hired Hands

Labour and the Development of Prairie Agriculture, 1880-1930

by (author) Cecilia Danysk

Family, Church, and Market

A Mennonite Community in the Old and the New Worlds, 1850-1930

by (author) Royden Loewen

Family, Church, and Market

A Mennonite Community in the Old and the New Worlds, 1850-1930

by (author) Royden Loewen

When Buffalo Ran

by (author) George Bird Grinnell

Curse of Gold

Jack Mould and the Curse of Gold

by (author) Elizabeth Hawkins & Jack Mould

Crazy Cooks & Gold Miners

by (author) Joyce Yardley

Prairie en Nouvelle-France, 1647-1760

Étude d'histoire sociale

by (author) Louis Lavallée

Border Bank Bandits

A Frank W. Anderson Living History of the West

by (author) Frank Anderson

Yukoners: True Tales

True Tales of the Yukon

by (author) Harry Gordon-Cooper

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