Browse Books in General
The X-Files
The Untold History of Television
Adapting in the Dust
Lessons Learned from Canada's War in Afghanistan
The Living Past of Montreal
The Sleep of Others and the Transformation of Sleep Research
Observing the Outports
Describing Newfoundland Culture, 1950-1980
A Nation in Conflict
Canada and the Two World Wars
Lessons of the Holocaust
Playing for Change
The Continuing Struggle for Sport and Recreation
Australia's Greatest Story
The Secrets of Generation
Reproduction in the Long Eighteenth Century
Beastly Possessions
Animals in Victorian Consumer Culture
Maestro of Science
Omond McKillop Solandt and Government Science in War and Hostile Peace, 1939-1956
The Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. Lester B. Pearson, Volume Two: 1948-1957
The Memoirs of the Rt. Hon.Lester B. Pearson, Volume One: 1897-1948
The Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. Lester B. Pearson, Volume Three: 1957-1968
Reclaiming the Personal
Oral History in Post-Socialist Europe
The Correspondence of Wolfgang Capito
Volume 3 (1532-1536)
Canadian State Trials, Volume IV
Security, Dissent, and the Limits of Toleration in War and Peace, 1914-1939
Honorary Protestants
The Jewish School Question in Montreal, 1867-1997
Merchant Writers
Florentine Memoirs from the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Toronto Sketches 12
“The Way We Were”
Escape from the Staple Trap
Canadian Political Economy after Left Nationalism
A Meeting of Minds
The Massey College Story