Browse Books in Post-confederation (1867-)

They Desire a Better Country / Ils desirent une patrie meilleure
The Order of Canada in 50 Stories / L'Ordre du Canada en 50 histoires

Don Mills
From Forests and Farms to Forces of Change

Escape Hatch
Newfoundland’s Quest for German Industry and Immigration, 1950–1970

Spirit Builders
Charles Catto, Frontiers Foundation and the Struggle to End Indigenous Poverty

Fifty Years Honouring Canadians
The Order of Canada, 1967–2017

The Valiant Nellie McClung
Collected Columns by Canada's Most Famous Suffragist

Border Flows
A Century of the Canadian-American Water Relationship

Between Education and Catastrophe
The Battle over Public Schooling in Postwar Manitoba

Capturing Hill 70
Canada’s Forgotten Battle of the First World War

The Queen of the North Disaster
The Captain's Story
Blockades and Resistance
Studies in Actions of Peace and the Temagami Blockades of 1988-89

The Diplomacy of Impartiality
Canada and Israel, 1958-1968

The Valiant Nellie McClung
Selected Writings by Canada's Most Famous Suffragist

Canada Always
The Defining Speeches of Sir Wilfrid Laurier

The Canadian Constitution

A Future Without Hate or Need
The Promise of the Jewish Left in Canada

Just Between You And Me
A Memoir

Nobody Here Will Harm You
Mass Medical Evacuation from the Eastern Arctic 1950-1965


All the Fine Young Eagles
In the Cockpit with Canada's Second World War Fighter Pilots

The Church Lads' Brigade in Newfoundland
A People's Story

Engaging the Line
How the Great War Shaped the Canada–US Border

Lines of Flight
An Atomic Memoir

Lighthouses of Nova Scotia
Discovering their history and heritage