Browse Books in Post-confederation (1867-)

Forever Home
Good Old Days on the Farm

The Annex
The Story of a Toronto Neighbourhood

The Newfoundland Tidal Wave Disaster
Son of Quebec, A

Naming Edmonton
From Ada to Zoie

Toronto Between the Wars
Life in the City 1919-1939

Mounties March West, The
The Epic Trek and Early Adventures of the Mounted Police

The Bar U and Canadian Ranching History

Crossing the Line

Mobsters and Rumrunners of Canada
Crossing the Line

Formidable Heritage
Manitoba's North and the Cost of Development

Love, Hate, and Fear in Canada's Cold War

Collective Autonomy
A History of the Council of Ontario Universities, 1962-2000

Harm's Way
Disasters in Western Canada

Harm's Way
Disasters in Western Canada

Pierre Elliot Trudeau
The Fascinating Life of Canada's most Flamboyant Prime Minister

Mounties, The
The First Fifty Years in Newfoundland and Labrador

Woman of the World
Mary McGeachy and International Cooperation

Into the Blue

Raincoast Chronicles 20: Lilies and Fireweed
Frontier Women of British Columbia

The Canadianization Movement
Emergence, Survival, and Success

The Life Writings of Mary Baker McQuesten
Victorian Matriarch

The Remarkable Adventures of Portuguese Joe Silvey

Journals of Yaakov Zipper, 1950-1982
The Struggle for Yiddishkeit