Browse Books in Post-confederation (1867-)

Creeping Conformity
How Canada Became Suburban, 1900-1960

The Force of Culture
Vincent Massey and Canadian Sovereignty

Quebec Sketchbook
1940 - 2004

Men Against the Sea
Ships Lost in the Newfoundland Foreign Trade

Danger, Death, and Disaster in the Crowsnest Pass Mines 1902-1928

Dominion and the Rising Sun
Canada Encounters Japan, 1929-1941

Historic Town of Pictou

Historic North End Halifax

Historic LaHave River Valley

Aggressive in Pursuit
The Life of Justice Emmett Hall

Rural Life
Portraits of the Prairie Town, 1946

Mountie in Mukluks
The Arctic Adventures of Bill White

Secret Trial
Brian Mulroney, Stevie Cameron, and the Public Trust

Posters of the Canadian Pacific

Les affiches du Canadien Pacifique

That Bloody Cape Breton Coal

Explosion in Halifax Harbour
The illustrated account of a disaster that shook the world

Edmonton In Our Own Words

The Right Fight
Bernard Lord and the Conservative Dilemma

The Border
Canada, the US and Dispatches From the 49th Parallel

Agricultural Politics in the Fifties

Final Voyages Volume II

Healing in the Wilderness
A History of the United Church Mission Hospitals

Frontier Spirit
The Brave Women of the Klondike