Browse Books in Canada

Canada and the Birth of Israel
A Study in Canadian Foreign Policy

The Beginnings of the Book Trade in Canada

North Atlantic Run
The Royal Canadian Navy and the Battle for the Convoys

The Regenerators
Social Criticism in Late Victorian English Canada

Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Laurentian

The New Peoples
Being and Becoming Métis
Company Of Adventurers Limited Edition

Peasant, Lord, and Merchant
Rural Society in Three Quebec Parishes 1740-1840

A Farm in the Family
The Many Faces of Ontario Agriculture over the Centuries

Fur Trader's Photographs
A.A. Chesterfield in the District of Ungava, 1901-4

A Fur Trader's Photographs
A.A. Chesterfield in the District of Ungava, 1901-4

How Come Im Dead

Rebellion of 1837 in Upper Canada

Canada and the New International Law of the Sea

Handbook of Upper Canadian Chronology
Revised Edition

Handbook of Upper Canadian Chronology

Harvest of Stones
The German Settlement in Renfrew County

Prelude to Quebec's Quiet Revolution
Liberalism versus Neo-Nationalism, 1945-1960
The epic cross-Canada treks for gold, 1858-1862

In Defence of Canada Vol IV
Growing Up Allied

First and Foremost in Community Health Centres
The Centre in Sault Ste Marie and the CHC Alternatives

Emily Murphy
Stage Left
Canadian Workers Theatre 1929-1940

The TV Wasteland and the Canadian Oasis