Browse Books in Canada
Indo Canadians

Six Crucial Decades
No Bleeding Heart
Charlotte Whitton: A Feminist on the Right
Lord of Point Grey
Larry MacKenzie of UBC

Raincoast Chronicles 11
Forgotten Villages of the BC Coast

The Maritimes
Tradition, Challenge & Change

You're All Grown Up Vancouver

Early History of Port Moody

Close to Charisma
My Years Between the Press and Pierre Elliott Trudeau

Her Excellency Jeanne Sauvé
Our American Cousins
The United States through Canadian Eyes

Canadian Travellers in Europe, 1851-1900

Indian Education in Canada, Volume 2
The Challenge

Duffy's Regiment
A History of the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment

Planting the Garden
An Annotated Archival Bibliography of the History of Women in Manitoba

Québec City, 1765-1832
The evolution of a colonial town

The Chilliwacks and Their Neighbors

The Maritimes
Tradition, Challenge & Change

Moscow Despatches
Inside Cold War Russia

The Road Back
By a Liberal in Opposition

Polyethnicity and National Unity in World History
The Donald G. Creighton Lectures 1985

Inside the Atlantic Triangle
Canada and the Entrance of Newfoundland into Confederation 1939-1949

The Creation of a National Air Force
The Official History of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Volume II

E.C. Drury
Agrarian Idealist