Browse Books in Canada

Victorian Architecture in London and Southwestern Ontario
Symbols of Aspiration

Inside the Atlantic Triangle
Canada and the Entrance of Newfoundland into Confederation 1939-1949

E.C. Drury
Agrarian Idealist

The Creation of a National Air Force
The Official History of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Volume II

Victorian Architecture in London and Southwestern Ontario
Symbols of Aspiration

The Imperial Canadian

The Road Back
By a Liberal in Opposition
Scholars and Dollars
Politics, Economics, and the Universities of Ontario 1945-1980

Homeland for the Cree

Polyethnicity and National Unity in World History
The Donald G. Creighton Lectures 1985

Vancouver Past
Essays in Social History
1885 and After: Native Society in Transition
The 1870s and the End of the Old West
No Easy Answers

Battlefields of Canada
A Conjunction of Interests
Business, Politics, and Tariffs, 1825-1879

In Its Corporate Capacity
The Seminary of Montreal as a Business Institution, 1816-1876

Maturing in Hard Times
Canada's Department of Finance through the Great Depression
The Junction Country
Lower Mainland Backroads: Boston Bar to Clinton
Stef A Biography Bh

Joseph Brant
A Man for His People

Sir John Johnson
Loyalest Baronet

Amazing Newfoundland Stories
Silver Harvest
The Fundy Weirmens Story

Lights of the Inside Passage
A History of British Columbia's Lighthouses and their Keepers