Browse Books in Canada

The Slow Rush of Colonization
Spaces of Power in the Maritime Peninsula, 1680–1790

Room at the Inn
Historic Hotels of British Columbia’s Southern Interior

No Choice
Canadian Women Tell Their Stories of Illegal Abortion

The Life and Times of Augustine Tataneuck
An Inuk Hero in Rupert's Land, 1800–1834

Who Gets In
An Immigration Story

Printer's Devils
How a Feisty Pioneer Newspaper Shaped the History of British Columbia's Smelter City, 1895-1925

Algoma - Solemn Land

A Four Season Region

A Four Season County

Prince Edward
A Four Season County

Ghost Towns of Ontario's Cottage Country

Tales of an Unsung Sourdough
The Extraordinary Klondike Adventures of Johnny Lind

Golden Inheritance
The Wallace B. Chung and Madeline H. Chung Collection at UBC Library

Ukrainian Ritual on the Prairies
Growing a Ukrainian Canadian Identity

“We Are in Charge Here”
Inuit Self-Government and the Nunatsiavut Assembly

A Night at the Gardens
Class, Gender, and Respectability in 1930s Toronto

The North Star
Canada and the Civil War Plots Against Lincoln

Bob Rae - Learning from the Past, Imagining the Future - Apprendre du passé, façonner l’avenir
Reflections from a Political Life - Réflexions sur une vie politique

Saskatchewan Dirt
A Pandemic Quest for Connection

Sheltering in the Backrush
A History of Twin Islands

Heaven on the Half Shell
The Story of the Oyster in the Pacific Northwest; 2nd Edition

Building a Better Boat
How the Cape Island Longliner Saved Nova Scotia’s Inshore Fishery

We Shall Persist
Women and the Vote in the Atlantic Provinces

Gold’s Rounds
Medicine, McGill, and Growing Up Jewish in Montreal