Browse Books in History

How the Fathers Made a Deal
Canadian 100 Most Influential

Reflections Of A Siamese Twin
Canada At The Beginning Of The Twenty First Century

Forgotten Empress
The Empress of Ireland Story
Saint John at Work and Play
Photographs by Isaac Erb, 1904-1924

A Political Biography

Flim Flam
Canada's Greatest Frauds, Scams, and Con Artists

A Kingston Album
Glimpses of the Way We Were

John Graves Simcoe, 1752-1806
A Biography

Destined to Survive
A Dieppe Veteran's Story

A Winnipeg Album
Glimpses of the Way We Were

A Fine Line
Studio Crafts in Ontario from 1930 to the Present

John Graves Simcoe 1752-1806
A Biography

British Forces in North America 1793-1815

In Armageddon's Shadow
The Civil War and Canada's Maritime Provinces

Plea For Emigration
Peter Fidler
Canada's Forgotten Explorer
Out of the Flames
Fires And Firefighting On The Canadian Prairies
Quantum Jump

Hitler's Silent Partners
Swiss Banks, Nazi Gold, And The Pursuit Of Justice

Plant Technology of the First Peoples of British Columbia

Women Overseas
Memoirs of the Canadian Red Cross Corps