Browse Books in History

Modelling Scale Figures

A Silent Revolution?
Gender and Wealth in English Canada, 1860-1930

The Maple Leaf and the White Cross
A History of St. John Ambulance and the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Canada

British Businessmen and Canadian Confederation
Constitution Making in an Era of Anglo-Globalization

Show No Fear
Daring Actions in Canadian Military History

A Happy Holiday
English Canadians and Transatlantic Tourism, 1870-1930

Shattered City 3rd Edition
The Halifax Explosion and the Road to Recovery

Steam Lion PB

Jean Pierre Roma (French)

Village China at War
The Impact of Resistance to Japan, 1937-1945

Voices Raised in Protest
Defending North American Citizens of Japanese Ancestry, 1942-49

New Histories for Old
Changing Perspectives on Canada’s Native Pasts

Resisting Manchukuo
Chinese Women Writers and the Japanese Occupation

Working Girls in the West
Representations of Wage-Earning Women

The Chinese State at the Borders

No Place to Go
Local Histories of the Battered Women’s Shelter Movement

Hunting for Empire
Narratives of Sport in Rupert's Land, 1840-70

Creating Postwar Canada
Community, Diversity, and Dissent, 1945-75

Kiumajut (Talking Back)
Game Management and Inuit Rights, 1900-70

Hiroshima Immigrants in Canada, 1891-1941

Armies of Peace
Canada and the UNRRA Years

The Firebrand
William Lyon Mackenzie and the Rebellion in Upper Canada

The Refugee
Narratives of Fugitive Slaves in Canada

A Struggle to Walk With Dignity
The True Story of a Jamaican-born Canadian