Browse Books in History

Adventures in the West
Henry Halpin, Fur Trader and Indian Agent

Le Précis de leadership militaire

The Elusive Utopia

The Remarkable World of Frances Barkley

Fenian Problem
Insurgency and Terrorism in a Liberal State, 1858-1874

The Fenian Problem
Insurgency and Terrorism in a Liberal State, 1858-1874

Peaceful Revolution
250 Years of Democracy in Nova Scotia

Ryan's Commander

À la défense d'un idéal contesté
Le principe de mérite et la Commission de la fonction publique, 1908-2008


Where War Lives

The Several Lives of Joseph Conrad

Historic Bridgewater

Canada and the United States
Ambivalent Allies, Fourth Edition

Lands that Hold One Spellbound
A Story of East Greenland

Crisis as Catalyst
Asia's Dynamic Political Economy

Resurrecting Dr. Moss
The Life and Letters of a Royal Navy Surgeon, Edward Lawton Moss MD, RN, 1843-1880

Soldiers Made Me Look Good
A Life in the Shadow of War

Peace, Power, Righteousness
An Indigenous Manifesto

The Peoples of Canada
A Pre-Confederation History

On Her Majesty's Service
Royal Honours and Recognition in Canada

River Palace

Wings Over the Wilderness
They Flew the Trail of '42

The Rockies of Canada
A Revised & Enlarged Edition of Camping in the Canadian Rockies