Browse Books in History

Henry Hudson
New World Voyager

Onward to the Olympics
Historical Perspectives on the Olympic Games

Luther and Late Medieval Thomism
A Study in Theological Anthropology

Polish Orphans of Tengeru
The Dramatic Story of Their Long Journey to Canada 1941-49

The Fraser

God Guard Thee Newfoundland
Searching for Meaning

Songs of protest, songs of love
Popular ballads in eighteenth-century Britain

Calvalry from Hoof to Track

Making Ireland Roman
Irish Neo-Latin Writers and the Republic of Letters

Edmund Burke, Volume II

Life-Long Warrior

Rethinking the School of Chartres
Myth or Reality
Saint-Laurent, Montreal's Main

Liri Valley, The
Canada's World War II Breakthrough to Rome

Dunsmuir Saga, The

Because We Are Canadians
A Battlefield Memoir

Merchant Kings
When Companies Ruled the World, 1600–1900

Le Concept de liberté au Canada à l’époque des Révolutions atlantiques (1776-1838)

Immigrants in Prairie Cities
Ethnic Diversity in Twentieth-Century Canada

Staying Connected
How MacDougall Family Traditions Built a Business over 160 Years

Melville Prison and Deadman's Island
American and French Prisoners of War in Halifax 1794-1816

Every Stone a Story II
Manitoba's Buried History

Letters from Rupert's Land, 1826-1840
James Hargrave of the Hudson's Bay Company

Africa's Children
A History of Blacks in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia