Browse Books in History

Mental Disorder in Canada
An Epidemiological Perspective

Ancient Mariner
The Amazing Adventures of Samuel Hearne, the Sailor Who Walked to the Arctic Ocean

Three Nights In Havana
Pierre Trudeau, Fidel Castro, and the Cold War World

The Other Side of Gold Mountain
Glimpses of Early Chinese Pioneer Life on the Prairies from the Wallace B. Chung and Madeline H. Chung Collection

From Queenston to Kingston
The Hidden Heritage of Lake Ontario's Shoreline

History of Medicine, Second Edition
A Scandalously Short Introduction

Falun Gong and the Future of China

Titanic Victims in Halifax Graveyards
2nd edition

Curse Of The Narrows
The Halifax Explosion 1917

Solving the People Puzzle
Cultural Intelligence and Special Operations Forces

The 1956 Hungarian Revolution
Hungarian and Canadian Perspectives

Deadlock in Korea
Canadians at War, 1950-1953

1917 Halifax Explosion and American Response
2nd edition

Commerce by a Frozen Sea
Native Americans and the European Fur Trade

My Canada
An Alternative Take on the Great White North

Burmese Lessons
Winner of the Orange Broadband Prize for New Writers and the Governor General's Literary Award

In the Province of History
The Making of the Public Past in Twentieth-Century Nova Scotia

The Practice of Execution in Canada

Transforming Labour
Women and Work in Postwar Canada

Canada and the British Empire

This is an Honour Song
Twenty Years Since the Blockades

Indonesia Journal
April 2010

Trillium and Toronto Island
The Centennial Edition

Medieval Medicine
A Reader