Browse Books in History

The Golden Years
Encounters with Glenn Gould, Marshall McLuhan, Lester B. Pearson, Rene Leveques and John G. Diefenbaker

The Inspiring Story of Ethiopia's Victory over Mussolini's Invasion, 1935-–1941

Opium and Empire
The Lives and Careers of William Jardine and James Matheson

Historical Essay on the Neapolitan Revolution of 1799

The Letterbooks of John Evelyn
A Two Volume Set

The Law and the Lawless
Frontier Justice in British Columbia and Yukon, 1913-1935

Everyday Life in the Muslim Middle East, Third Edition

A Historical and Legal Study of Sovereignty in the Canadian North
Terrestrial Sovereignty, 1870-1939

Sea Winter Salmon
Chronicles of the St. John River

When the Great Red Dawn Is Shining
Postcards of Essex County

Canadian Heroines 2-Book Bundle
100 Canadian Heroines / 100 More Canadian Heroines
The Natural History of Canadian Mammals
Marine Mammals
The Court of Appeal for Ontario
Defining the Right of Appeal in Canada, 1792-2013

A Blue Puttee at War
The Memoir of Captain Sydney Frost, MC

Cavalry of the Air
An Illustrated Introduction to the Aircraft and Aces of the First World War

From Classroom to Battlefield
Victoria High School and the First World War

Dangerous Spirits
The Windigo in Myth and History

Into the Blizzard
Walking the Fields of the Newfoundland Dead

Northern Trader
The Last Days of the Fur Trade

Inside the Ark
The Hutterites in Canada and the United States

Overlooking Saskatchewan
Minding the Gap

Piercing the bamboo curtain
Tentative bridge-building to China during the Johnson years

Dogs of the Shepherds
A Review of the Pastoral Breeds