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Browse Books in History

Who Are These People Anyway?

by (author) Irving Powless
edited by Lesley Forrester

Two Jews, Two Arabs, Two Britons

Their Lives Under the British Mandate

by (author) Hadara Lazar

The Army in Cromwellian England, 1649-1660

by (author) Henry Reece

Strangers at Our Gates

Canadian Immigration and Immigration Policy, 1540–2015

by (author) Valerie Knowles

Baffin Island

Field Research and High Arctic Adventure, 1961-67

by (author) Jack D. Ives

Moral Mapping of Victorian and Edwardian London

Charles Booth, Christian Charity, and the Poor-but-Respectable

by (author) Thomas R.C. Gibson-Brydon

Moral Mapping of Victorian and Edwardian London

Charles Booth, Christian Charity, and the Poor-but-Respectable

by (author) Thomas Gibson-Brydon

Pensionnats du Canada : La réconciliation

Rapport final de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada, Volume 6

by (author) Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada

Pensionnats du Canada : Les séquelles

Rapport final de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada, Volume 5

by (author) Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada

Polar Region Explorers 2-Book Bundle

River Rough, River Smooth / Arctic Naturalist

by (author) Anthony Dalton

Canadian Forces in Afghanistan 3-Book Bundle

No Easy Task / No Ordinary Men / No Lack of Courage

by (author) Bernd Horn & Emily Spencer

Nationalism and French Canada

by (author) Charles Leskun

Citizenship and Government

by (author) Rick Homan

The Immigrant Experience

by (author) Rose Fine-Myer

War and Peacekeeping

by (author) Jennifer Borda

Fatal Intentions

True Canadian Crime Stories

by (author) Barbara Smith

Native Recipes from the Grandmothers

by (author) John Wisdomkeeper

No Ordinary Men

Special Operations Forces Missions in Afghanistan

by (author) Bernd Horn
foreword by General T.J. Lawson

Boats in My Blood

A Life in Boatbuilding

by (author) Barrie Farrell

Polarity, Patriotism, and Dissent in Great War Canada, 1914-1919

by (author) Brock Millman

A Place in the Sun

Haiti, Haitians, and the Remaking of Quebec

by (author) Sean Mills

Principles and Gerrymanders

Parliamentary Redistribution of Ridings in Ontario, 1840-1954

by (author) George Emery

The Rise and Fall of Emilio Picariello

by (author) Adriana A. Davies

Planning Toronto

The Planners, The Plans, Their Legacies, 1940-80

by (author) Richard White

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