Browse Books in History

On Building a Social Movement
The North American Campaign for South African Liberation

Moving Natures
Mobility and the Environment in Canadian History

The League of the Star

Moving Natures
Mobility and the Environment in Canadian History

The End of Glory

A Passion for Paris
Romanticism and Romance in the City of Light

The First Signs
Unlocking the Mysteries of the World's Oldest Symbols

Inside the Walls

In Fragile Moments / The Last Time

An Illustrated History of Canada's Native People
I Have Lived Here Since the World Began, Fourth Edition

Guerrilla Aesthetics
Art, Memory, and the West German Urban Guerrilla

Beating against the Wind
Popular Opposition to Bishop Feild and Tractarianism in Newfoundland and Labrador

Holy War
Cowboys, Indians, and 9/11s

Real Hauntings 4-Book Bundle
Creepy Capital / Spooky Sudbury / Haunted Hamilton / Tomes of Terror

Lost Nuke
The Last Flight of Bomber 075, Revised Edition

The Girl and the Game
A History of Women's Sport in Canada, Second Edition

The Evidence Room

The Soul of Pleasure
Sentiment and Sensation in Nineteenth-Century American Mass Entertainment

The Iconic North
Cultural Constructions of Aboriginal Life in Postwar Canada

Toronto's Local Movie Theatres of Yesteryear
Brought Back to Thrill You Again

O.D. Skelton
A Portrait of Canadian Ambition

Houses of Ill Repute
The Archaeology of Brothels, Houses, and Taverns in the Greek World

The Necessity of a Modern Idea

Sister Soldiers of the Great War
The Nurses of the Canadian Army Medical Corps